May 29, 2011

Good friends!

How dull life would be without all the wonderful people we meet along the way!!  Some stay for a while and become a huge part of your life, others you meet only for a day or so and they move on,  yet leave a wonderful ‘forever’ memory.  Yet others come and go, when you are together it is as if you having always been together, even if it has been years since you were last together.  We met Ken and Margot here at Holiday Park Resort at least 10 years ago.  We were drawn together by our love of doxies.  You may remember reading that they lost their darling girl just this past February.  The great news it that a new baby is soon to come into their lives.

Meet Hilde the fourth. She is only 4 weeks old but will be here by the end of June. We are ALL eagerly awaiting here arrival.

We have not seen Margot and Ken for close to two years.  We have travelled to Mexico a few times together, met in various locations within the USA and shared many years here in Kelowna.  A few years ago they bought a lovely condo in Victoria and are no longer fulltimers although they still winter in their RV in Arizona.  Last summer they chose to stay in Victoria so it was a big reunion last night.  They only arrived on Wednesday but gourmet chef that she is Margot was eager to have us over.

Always a challenge on a small RV kitchen!

Caeli was wondering where her plate was.

It was a very relaxing evening. great forever friends...

Yes Ken it was delicious, worth the 2 pounds that showed up on my scale today.

Enough already!

Even the girls were relaxed and happy.  It was wonderful to see Carmeh snuggling into her Aunty Margot.  Thanks for a great evening folks!

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11 responses so far

11 Responses to “Good friends!”

  1. Chris says:

    I am a big dog person. We have a 90lb black lab. But you keep showing the pictures of your babies and now this puppy…. maybe someday.

  2. So nice to get together with friends that we meet along the way. Looks like good times had by all.

  3. Marty says:

    What a sweet baby! We had doxies as kids and later as adults, so they always will have a special place in my heart.

    • contessa says:

      George, it was a perfect evening!

      Chris & Marty, doxies are great dogs. If you want a puppy fix just click onto my link at the top right side of my blog…’Darling bay daschshunds’

  4. molly katt says:

    Beautiful flowers. Looking forward to hiding in my flower bed next spring. Say Hi to the girls for me.
    XOXO Molly

  5. Susie larose says:

    Love the puppy pic, they are sooooo cute!! They are a special breed as in our Sara”D” and your girls..

  6. I’m jealous! Everything looked so delicious and I am sure it was. PUPPY SO CUTE!

  7. Margot & Ken says:

    Just a few lines to thank you for your nice words about us on your blog. The photos were great and your story very enjoyable. You do good work – both of you!

  8. How cute. Bet you can’t wait! I lived in Courtney, B.C. many, many years ago. I was only there for 3 months but really loved the island.

    Kevin and Ruth

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