Archive for May, 2011

May 31, 2011


Dorado also known as mahi-mahi is one of our favorite fishes.  To eat that is!  We first discovered mahi-mahi burgers in Maui on our honeymoon way back then. It was a bonus that when we started RVing to Mexico we could get fresh dorado daily. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


May 30, 2011

For all my friends……

..for all you mean to me, for all you do for me and for how you inspire me to be a better me! From my garden with love, bouquets for each and everyone of you!


May 29, 2011

Good friends!

How dull life would be without all the wonderful people we meet along the way!!  Some stay for a while and become a huge part of your life, others you meet only for a day or so and they move on,  yet leave a wonderful ‘forever’ memory.  Yet others come and go, when you are […]


May 28, 2011

A year ago today…

…I made my very first post on my very first blog.  We have travelled for all of  our 24 years together and once the computer age caught up with us, I emailed travelogues to family and friends.  Between server problems and poor computer connections in Mexico I was often forced to reenter over 100 email […]


May 27, 2011


It had to happen eventually….just too too much rain yesterday! My wonderful husband offered to start my car for me as he was leaving yesterday morning, it was a cool 7C.  As I was out the door just 5 minutes later I said ‘mucho gracias mi amore’.  Not moments later he came back in….”your car […]


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